Friday, November 17, 2006

Boy Genius - Waaaay Faster Than Your Regular Media

To say the news travels fast these day is fast becoming an understatment. Given the advent of online technologies and such, it seems that almost everyone with an Internet connection is able to post up content of their own, double-quick, these days. So much so that its threatening the regular mainstream media?

Enter Boy Genius, one of the more famous characters from the Engadget reporting team, well known and well loved by the online technology community for his breaking reports on the latest tech gadgets and gizmos. Having sources within the industry, he has proven to be way quicker in releasing such latest information as compared to his regular media counterparts, much to their chagrin.

I wonder if the regular media is beginning to feel threatened yet?

Offical Website at

[via : MicroPersuasion ]

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