Sunday, November 19, 2006

Amazing Customer Service Stories II (from Singapore!)

This is kind of a follow up from the post of the same subject some time back but the cool part is that all these hail from Singapore. And seeing that good service deserves good mention, here they are:

Case #1
Esprit shop calls customer an hour later to let her know where to find an item which was sold out at the shop.

Guy receives handwritten note and guitar picks after an email to company on where to find them

Case #3
Waitress goes the extra mile (overused, I know) for customer's birthday celebrations.

I'm sure these businesses will continue to do well and that others will also follow in their footsteps to provide service that knock the customers' socks off!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the interesting stories. It shows that there is hope for Singapore's service standards. Do have a look at some of my suggestions to improve service quality in Singapore and let me know your comments.