This is one of the finest leadership books I've ever read. It charts the lessons and development of 10 Army Rangers and how some of them have brought the lessons and principles learnt from Ranger School into the corporate world.
The title's namesake comes from a speech a Ranger Colonel gave which inspired the author to sign up for Ranger School. Here's a short excerpt:
For a second I felt it was just Colonel Turner and myself in the room, and he was looking right at me from two feet away. "Well, cadet, what's it gonna be? Ranger -- or EXCUSE?"
Grasp the simplicity and power of No Excuses, and you have guaranteed success.
"Well, what's it gonna be? Wealthy -- or excuse?"
"Well, what's it gonna be? Healthy -- or excuse?"
"Well, what's it gonna be? A good parent -- or excuse?"
"Well, what's it gonna be? A good friend -- or excuse?"
"Well, what's it gonna be? A good employee -- or excuse?"
"Well, what's it gonna be? A good leader -- or excuse?"
If you set goals in line with your personal priorities, and never accept excuses for failure, you will succeed.
Not done with the whole book yet but even halfway through, I strongly recommend this as a good read on not just leadership, but many other of life's important principles.
[No Excuse Leadership]
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