I love tough times.
That is because these are the moments when you actually spot the best teams and to some extent, the best leaders. The truth of the matter is that during the blissfully good periods, everyone (and I do mean everyone) can be made to look like a superb leader or team player. This is the same principle that states that it is far easier to look good steering a ocean liner on calm seas then it is keeping a rickety sailboat afloat in stormy seas.
And a large proportion of it boils down to team during these dark periods. Bad times filter out these superfical folk. Not more fairweather friends hanging around and all the once-good team players seem to do disappearing acts.
No doubt, tough times test passion. These are times where you keep going on as a team. And the best people to work with are those who argue with you for the sake of the cause. Embrace these people because they keep your from getting too one-sided. I know that all too well because I have been fortunate to work with two of the most intelligent and fiercely passionate team members, and much more importantly friends, in the past year who backed me up in my blindspots of finance and relations. I deem their advice is priceless and their friendship even more so.
I'm thankful to have had the chance to work with a wonderful team of great people. It's never easy when the going gets rough and there are times you can't help but question the value of what you do. But what keeps you going is to be able to look around yoursefl and find the folks who are fighting alongside because they believe too believe in the common vision.
That is indeed the beauty.