Monday, January 14, 2008

Research shows Delicious Sights and Smells Sells

In one of the most interesting research I've seen in some time, NUS researcher Xiuping Li has found that "exposure to something that whets the appetite, such as a picture of a mouthwatering dessert, can make a person more impulsive with unrelated purchases". Research experiments performed included "one experiment that the aroma of chocolate chip cookies can prompt women on a tight budget to splurge on a new item of clothing"

So what does this mean that for retailers:

  • Site shops next to Famous Amos and other such food outlets?
  • Artificially create cookie (or other food?) scents / Start eating them in the shop?
  • Design advertising with delicious items in them?
  • Plaster designed advertising posters all over shop?
  • Design Products with such delicious-looking elements?
Interestingly, only females seem affected in the study... So guys, you know which shops to avoid!

[from : ScienceDaily ]

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