Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Really Random Thoughts (aka Too Lazy to Write Full Blog Posts so ...)

  • Materialism / Consumption is over-rated but its what drive the economy and keeps sucking undergraduate into banking jobs.

  • Economy is good and people are complaining that they could have gotten a "better job" or "price for their house" or "prices are rising". Interestingly, these were the same people who also complain when times are bad. Trend? Hmmm....

  • Too many people get caught up with the really petty things in life. Like grades .....

  • So many online startups feel like lottery shots to me - low Cost of starting up, low individual commitment, low chances of striking it big and yet high payoffs if it really works. Perhaps these people would move over to gambling in our casinos when they open.

  • Academically advantaged people love to debate with me about the usefulness of their theories. I wonder if its because I'm missing something here or that they have also figured out the lack of utility of what they have spent years to grasp.

  • Instead of finding theories that work in real life (haha, oxymoron here), I've known people who spend all their time trying to tweak the real world to fit the theory.

  • School (I hope!) must be the only place where a document prepared in 30mins justifies spending 2 hours choosing the right fonts/colour/background for the presentation slides.

  • I love how you can "debate" which some people by keeping quiet and listening till they trip over their own arguments. It's really priceless.

  • Never argue with idiots - they would bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience. (Ok, this wasn't exactly original)

  • The amount of money/wealth seems to be a pretty good gauge of intelligence. Perhaps it was built in this way so that the really smart would get the means (it "flows" to them) to do the right things to make the world a better place. However, I haven't figured out how it applies to poor professors or rich rappers yet (wow, unintended alliteration!) .

  • I wonder if Plato's cave had another exit that lead to an underground metro line, would it result in squashed philosophers or would they be able to think away the trains a la Descartes.

  • Who says we haven't invented time travel? Isnt' the Internet a forward time machine that can shoot you into the future by a couple of hours each time. (oh my, where has all the time gone?)

  • I wonder why I'm spending so much time wondering. I would totally ace Wondering 101 but I guess there's just no demand for such a course.

  • I wish I had better memory so I can remember where I put my to-do list.

  • Are plastic recycling bins made from bio-degradable plastics? Are carbon-credit certificates printed on re-cycled paper?


Cobalt Paladin said...

Regarding where you kept your to-do lists, as recommended by "Getting Things Done", it is best to keep using the same system so that it'll remain reliable and you know where to find it when you need it.

Instead of using pieces of paper, I use a notebook which I always keep it close to me or at a usual location.

AlphaTraan said...

Hi CP,

Thanks for the tip! Seems like a good book to pick up ;)